
I genuinely care about every person that enters my doors at FitMix. I care that you get results, I care that you get those results safely, I care that I can accommodate your busy schedule, I care that you eat healthy, and I care that you enjoy our workouts so you continue the active lifestyle we begin. 

I’m a people pleaser by nature, so when I can’t make you happy it bothers me. I take it to heart when you say “I’m burnt out” or “I really prefer this schedule” or “this hurts” or even “I’m not feeling well” (which has nothing to do with the workout). I immediately want to fix things to make it better for you as an individual. Unfortunately, I’ve learned (it’s taken years) that I can’t please everyone! 

This is where I’ve learned to trust myself and my training to make the best decisions for my clients! When I change the schedule or the training style, it’s with my clients best interests in mind, not mine. Please understand that everything we do at FitMix is planned, not “made up!” I joke about not being a planner, but I assure you that my 25+ years experience has set up a plan! A plan that’s been tried and tested and it works!!! It works to keep you motivated, safe, and healthy. It will get you the results you desire, but not overnight! It’s a lifestyle change that makes the results stick & training when you feel like it is NOT going to get you there!! Eating whenever and whatever you want is NOT going to get you there! Discipline is the key, and I can and will get you there, just trust me! 

Now, let’s do this💪🏽 Come in strong, energetic & ready to give it all you got!! This is how you build the strong, energetic, healthy body you desire!

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